Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Anti-ness Isn't Prejudice Against Groups

Ironically, right after I posted my anti rant. I found forums where Hey! Say! JUMP fans JUST realized that HSJ themselves have haters.

Well what do you expect? No one can be loved by everyone! Not even my boys<3
Reasons (Apparently):

-They're too young!
Kari: Uhm. People with talent shouldn't be limited to being adults to debut. & Ironically I noticed many of HSJ haters love the 'older' JE groups and fyi they made their debut when they were teenagers as well.

-They don't have talent!
Kari: I beg to differ. Whether or not I'm a fan, I'm a big enough person to admit whether or not a person/group has talent. & all of JE definately has it. They don't just get their own stage for no reason you know? Johnny is a genius for a reason. I'm sure people who have seen their performances will agree. If not all at least the majority has talent.

-Johnny's trying to create pedophiles!
Kari: What? Excuse me, but no one forced you to watch HSJ and fall for them. The idea of a group to debut at a younger age was an obvious tactic to get more fans of the younger generation. & you can't exactly say it failed. If they get older fans, that's not at all a problem! More love for them!
There's more stupid reasoning to continue with. & All groups have them. They don't have any good reason. They just try to hide the fact they have nothing better to do than stare at the people they 'hate' and try to bash them out. Sorry, but you people obviously FAIL.


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